dns-o-matic on m0n0wall
Looking for a method of using OpenDNS with a dynamic IP address. I am using the DynDNS service however there is no method of linking this service to OpenDNS. OpenDNS has an additional service called DNS-O-Matic.
DNS-O-Matic is a dynamic DNS service. The service supports dozens of other dynamic DNS services. All of which can be linked to your account. A list of the supported services can be found below.
m0n0wall site to site VPN
Configuring site to site VPN using two m0n0wall boxes is a snap.
There are a couple of things you will want to know ahead of time.
The IP address or FQDN of both firewalls WAN interface. Internal subnet of both networks. The shared key (password). Log into your firewall and head to the VPN/IPSec section. Click the + sign to get started. Assuming you are connecting two boxes across the internet, set the Interface to “WAN”.