Get group SID

Get the SID for group “GroupName” and set variable SID to that value.

:: cmd shell

for /f %i in ('wmic group where name^="GroupName" get sid ^| findstr ^S\-d*') do set SID=%i
:: batch file

for /f %%i in ('wmic group where name^="GroupName" get sid ^| findstr ^S\-d*') do set SID=%%i

Get user SID

Get the SID for user “UserName” and set variable SID to that value.

:: cmd shell

for /f %i in ('wmic useraccount where name^="UserName" get sid ^| findstr ^S\-d*') do set SID=%i
:: batch file

for /f %%i in ('wmic useraccount where name^="UserName" get sid ^| findstr ^S\-d*') do set SID=%%i


The wmic.exe command will output a header and value. In the case below SID and the actual SID. Here is where we use findstr ^S\-d* to capture the actual SID. The regex looks for a line starting w/ S then a - followed by a digit d.

C:\> wmic.exe useraccount where name="administrator" get sid